Majority Of Christians Support Obama
"Portland houses of worship try to include challenging members"

Wal-Mart: Puting Their Own Interests Before America

The economic agenda favored by George W. Bush and John McCain has destroyed the American economy - budget surpluses have turned to budget deficits, poverty levels are up, and fewer Americans have health insurance.  But the good folks at Wal-Mart still beleive in the Bush-McCain dream.  The NYT reports:

The A.F.L.-C.I.O and three other pro-labor groups will urge the Federal Election Commission on Thursday to rule that Wal-Mart acted illegally by warning many store managers and department heads that a Democratic victory in November would hurt the company by helping workers unionize.

The pro-labor groups plan to file a complaint with the commission on Thursday asserting that Wal-Mart warned so vigorously that the Democrats would enact pro-union legislation that the company had engaged in illegal express advocacy.

The pro-labor organizations — including the Change to Win Federation, American Rights at Work and — argue that federal regulations make it legal for companies to engage in such political advocacy with high-level managers, but not with low-level managers like Wal-Mart’s department heads, who are often hourly employees.

Learn more about Wal-Mart here.
