I Voted For Barack Obama Today
Monday, October 20, 2008
Today I voted (here in Oregon we vote by mail). Like millions of others, I've waited for this day for a long time.
Barack Obama has run a campaign with a platform that is central to the concerns of mainline Christians: ending the war, combating global climate change, reducing poverty, and reconcilling the broken parts of our nation.
My deepest hope is that my little girls will look back on 2008 and say to their children and their grandchildren that 2008 was the year the people of the United States embraced reason and once again decided that working together as a united national community was much more important than trying to go it alone. We have too many problems now and a go-it-along approach will not work.
America can be a better place. We still have the capacity to overcome any challegne. Don't think so? Remember 9/11 and the out-pouring of relief after Katrina. Barack Obama appeals to the best in America.
We're coming down to the wire. 15 days until the votes are counted. So don't forget to vote.