Why Barack Obama Won The Second Debate
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
As a certified political junkie, I can confirm having watched every single presidential and vice-presidential debate since 1984. Both candidates performed well tonight but there was no "knock-out" victory for either. However, Senator Obama continues to out perform Senator McCain on the issues. Voters clearly believe that Barack Obama won the debate, according to a just released CNN poll. The American people seem to understand with real clarity that the Bush-McCain economic policies of the last eight years have killed our economy and finally - finally - we can put Ronald Reagan's failed "trickle-down" economics in the coffin.
What I don't believe is that this election is over. The polls are looking good for Senator Obama and his progressive change agenda. But I suspect in the end this will be a very close election. It will take an enormous effort and high voter turnout to put Barack Obama in the White House. This is an achievable goal but it will take all hands on deck to pull off.