The Rev. Dr. Andrew Weaver, a United Methodist minister and author, died last week. Talk to Action has the story. Andrew is perhaps best know for his work uncovering the connections between the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) and right-wing political figures and funding sources. IRD often vilified Andrew for his work but his scholarship was solid and he brought to light IRD's attempts to undermine the mainline Christian prophetic voice. Andrew's books on pastoral care belong in the library of every clergy person.
Andrew and I became friends because of this blog. He made contact with me nearly five years ago and we've keep up a correspondence since then. We met once in person and talked on the phone occasionally. He was a strong supporter of this blog - sometimes commenting himself or sending along story ideas - and I'll miss him. My prayers are with his family and friends. One of the real gifts of the internet is that it has brought me into contact with people like Andrew. Andrew was a true blessing for the United Methodist Church.