Two teens are dead and others wounded in the worse mass shooting in Portland history.
Bryan Kellim sold Erik S. Ayala the gun that was used and he feels just awful.
"It just makes me sick. I didn't sleep hardly at all last night," Kellim told The Oregonian. "I just feel for the families."
Kellim makes his living putting these weapons of war on the streets at 99 Pawn & Guns off McLoughlin Boulevard, which he owns. What did he think would happen when he sold the Italian-manufactured EAA Witness 9 mm?
"Each day in America eighty people die from guns. For each gun death, two more are wounded," according to The Brady Center and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Hopefully the legal system makes Kellim pay some price for his chosen profession.
Related Link: Learn about ways your community of faith can become involved in these issues by visiting God Not Guns.