Pope Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich's Real War Against Churches

Made In Oregon: Debate Over The City's Soul

Made In Oregon 2 The University of Oregon, located hours from Portland in Eugene, has come into possession of Portland's beloved "Made In Oregon" sign and wants to change the wording and lighting to reflect the university's name and brand.  That's a dumb-ass idea and the take no prisoners approach by U of O officials (they've threaned to let the sign go dark if they don't get their way) reflects badly on the leadership of university president David Frohnmayer.  Riding to the rescue is Portland City Commissioner Randy Leonard who wants to use the city's power of eminent domain to take control of the sign before Frohnmayer and his Eugene gang get the chance to damage Portland's skyline.  In the end, this is not a debate about a sign.  This is a debate about who Portland is...a debate about our city's soul.  We're not the gateway to Eugene (we're the home of Portland State University, thank you very much).  We are, however, one of the gateways to Oregon - all of Oregon - and I encourge the city to use every legal tool at their disposal to save the sign for the people of Portland.   

Photo credit:  Commissioner Leonard's blog.
