Pope Newt Gingrich
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
You'd have thought that the Roman Catholic Church had enough problems these days - what with the Pope first embracing a Nazi sympathizer (a decision the pontiff thankfully backed away from after a worldwide outcry) and then speaking out against condoms in Africa (remarks that were condemned by international health groups). We all have our bad periods.
Not helping matters is their newly self-appointed spokesman:
Newt Gingrich, the disgraced former U.S. House speaker.
First some background:
President Obama has been invited to deliver the commencement address at Notre Dame, a Roman Catholic institution. Some Roman Catholic groups and one bishop have condemned the invitation because of the president's stances on health issues that are at odds with Roman Catholic positions. But their concerns turn out to be partisan. None of these same groups protested when George W. Bush addressed students at Notre Dame (or other Roman Catholic schools) even though Bush started the war in Iraq (a move opposed by Rome) and the death penalty.
There is nothing wrong when Roman Catholics finding fault with Democrats (even though I may disagree with their reasons) but why do some in their leadership ignore or even openly support Republicans? Thankfully, most in the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church are fair minded and even when taking controversial stands are open and tolerant of other view points.
Catholics United issued a statement in support of university's decision to invite the president and calling out those opposing the president's visit for "selectively applying the Catholic faith in service of their partisan agendas."
One of those selectively applying the Catholic faith is none other than Gingrich. He called the invitation "sad" and said the president had "anti-Catholic values." Gingrich, a life long Baptist, is joining the Roman Catholic church this weekend, according to media reports.
Gingrich, however, really shouldn't be lecturing anyone about values. As Media Matters reports, Gingrich has had a couple of divorces and some other problems:
There was Jackie, his former high school math teacher, whom he divorced as she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery, and Marianne, whom he married shortly after divorcing Jackie, and with whom he was still married when he began his relationship with Callista -- an affair that occurred around the time he was promising to never give another speech as Speaker of the House without mentioning the Lewinsky scandal.
Gingrich was forced to resign.
In addition, Gingrich spoke out in support of the war in Iraq and as the House Speaker launched an unprecedented campaign to cut services for the poorest of the poor in America.