The Humane Society has enlisted none other than Rush Limbaughto do PSAs for the organization. Already the group is pounding the president for his pick of dog. As the owner of a rescue dog, I understand and support the need for animal adoptions and shelters. But I'm not going to make Senator Kennedy's gift of a dog the president's daughter won't suffer allergies from into a political issue. If The Humane Society wants to pick Limbaugh - the racist, sexist, and homophobic voice of the extreme right-wing as their spokesperson - they don't need money or support from any of us. Here in Oregon you can call Scott Beckstead, Oregon State Director The Humane Society, at 541-530-8509 and let the organization know directly how you feel about The Humane Society embracing of Limbaugh. Nationally you can contact Arzinda Jalil at 301-258-3071. Please continue to support local rescue groups not affiliated withThe Humane Society.