The Hypocrisy Of Mark Sanford
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Politico (via) CNN has this quote from Friend Of Mark Sanford Tom Davis:
People be will watching for his sincerity. I think there's an incredible capacity in the American people for forgiveness. What they will not forgive is hypocrisy. And, so, I think the next few days are going to be very critical for the governor.
I agree with that and really believe that what the governor showed today is that he is simply a broken human (like the rest us). All of us are boken. Just in different ways.
But Stanford - as Politico notes in another story - has already shown his hypocrisy:
Mark Sanford, following a long procession of GOPers before him -- most recently John Ensign -- took a Draconian view of pols caught in in flagrante, when that pol wasn't them of course.
When it was revealed, back in '98, that incoming Speaker Bob Livingston (R-La.) had strayed big time, Sanford bucked many in his own party by suggesting Livingston get the boot.
He also wanted President Clinton to resign.
Davis is right: Americans won't forgive hypocrisy.