The recall effort to oust Portland Mayor Sam Adams has failed but organizers, like a bad movie sequel, are promising another effort – this time backed by big money and paid signature gatherings. There’s always been more bravado from the Recall Sam Adams organizers than accomplishments but it’s time to end this effort, plain and simple.
Along with many others, I called on Mayor Adams to resign earlier this year. He didn’t and the Attorney General’s office, after an investigation, found no cause to bring criminal charges against the mayor. Portland would have been better off had the mayor stepped aside but he didn’t, no criminal charges were brought forward because of his conduct, and now the recall effort has failed.
Portland needs to put this chapter behind us so that the city can move ahead without the distraction caused by Mayor Adams. He is to blame in all this mess. But he can be held accountable if he chooses to run for reelection in 2012. He would do the city a great favor to announce now that he won’t be a candidate then, but if he is there will be an opportunity to put this matter to rest once and for all.
In the meantime, our energy needs to be focused as a community not on the mayor’s personal conduct but on the great challenges facing our great city. Poverty and homelessness are growing, we facing funding issues in our public schools, unemployment is high, and as the stewards of Portland’s special environmental landscape we face major challenges.
It’s time to move forward as a united city to address these important issues.