Open Letter from Religious Leaders to
Members of Congress Supporting
Inclusion of Abortion Services in Health Care Reform
Dear Members of Congress,
As religious leaders, we support public policies that are just and compassionate and prioritize the needs of those who are poor and marginalized in our society. Therefore we are opposed to attempts - many made in the name of religion and morality - to exclude abortion services from health care reform. While our reasons for supporting the inclusion of abortion services in health care are diverse, they are grounded in the teachings of our faith traditions and our commitment to social justice.
The majority of faith groups in America have affirmed that abortion is a decision of conscience that should be safeguarded by government. Further, these faith traditions affirm that health care services, including abortion, must be available to all, regardless of income. If coverage for abortion is eliminated from health care reform, the poor and communities of color will bear the consequences. Already, a low-income woman is four times as likely to have an unintended pregnancy and five times as likely to have an unintended birth as her higher income counterpart. Lack of access to abortion services perpetuates inequality and compromises the future of women, their families and their communities.
In this religiously pluralistic nation, our health care system should be inclusive and respectful of diverse religious beliefs and decisions regarding childbearing. One in three American women has an abortion by age 45, making it one of the most common medical procedures in the nation. Ignoring this truth belies the rhetoric of comprehensive, accessible health care.
A health care system that serves all persons with dignity and equality will include comprehensive reproductive health services. We call on Congress to preserve the current standard of reproductive health care and ensure that millions of uninsured and underinsured women will have access to these services.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rev. Dr. Carlton W. Veazey [National Baptist Convention USA]
President and CEO, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Washington DC
Jessica Abrahams
American Jewish Congress
Commission on Women's Empowerment
New York NY
Louis Altman
Society for Humanistic Judaism
Northbrook IL
Katharine Archibald
Executive Director
American Ethical Union
New York, NY
Rev. Verne Arens*
Sr. Pastor, Little River United Church of Christ,
Annandale VA
Rev. Darline Balm-Demmel
United Methodist Church
Cedar Falls IA
Rabbi Lia Bass
Congregation Etz Hayim
Arlington VA
Darcy Baxter
Seminarian, Unitarian Universalist
San Francisco CA
Rabbi Linda Bertenthal
Managing Congregational Representative
Union for Reform Judaism
Encino CA
Colleen Bowers, RN
PARO – Presbyterians Affirming Reproductive Options
Council of Governors, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Baltimore MD
Rev. Dr. Rita Nakashima Brock
Faith Voices for the Common Good
Oakland CA
Rev. Sandra Brown
Lutheran Women's Caucus
Philadelphia PA
Reverend Nikolaos G. Brown
Lead Pastor And Founder
Alpha & Omega Worship Center
South River NJ
Rev. Cynthia S. Bumb
Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ
St. Louis MO
Linda Lu Burciaga
Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation
Boston MA
Rev. Cheryl L. Burke
Associate Conference Minister
Michigan Conference
United Church of Christ
East Lansing MI
Rev. Steve Clapp [Church of the Brethren]
Christian Community, Inc.
Fort Wayne IN
Rev. Jim Conn,
United Methodist Church, California-Pacific Conference
Pasadena CA
M. Bonnie Cousens
Executive Director
Society for Humanistic Judaism
Farmington Hills MI
Rev. Dr. Beverly Dale
General Minister & President
Christian Association at the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA
Adeline deCastro
Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Louisville, KY
The Rev. Ann Van Dervoort
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Franklin TN
Rev.,Dr. John R. deVelder, D.Min.,
Director, Pastoral Care Department
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
New Brunswick NJ
Rabbi Ellen Weinberg Dreyfus
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Homewood IL
Rev. Dr. Terence Ellen
Executive Director
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice of the
Baltimore-Washington-Northern Virginia Region
Pikesville MD
Jan Eller
Womaen's Caucus of the Church of the Brethren
Portland OR
Julie Erickson
Director of Public Policy
Presbytery of Baltimore
41 State Circle
Annapolis MD
Felicity Figueroa
Outreach Chair
Irvine United Congregational Church
Irvine CA
Ann Goldman
Executive Director
Women's League for Conservative Judaism
New York NY
F. William Gray
Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Louisville, KY
The Reverend Debra W. Haffner
Executive Director
Religious Institute
Westport CT
Amy Harlib
Humanitarian Activist
New York NY
Martha Hatt
Congregational Elder
Disciples of Christ
Enid OK
Rev. Dr. David M. Hindman*
Director/Campus Minister
Wesley Foundation at The College of William and Mary
Williamsburg VA
Mary E. Hunt, Ph.D.
WATER - Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual
Silver Spring MD
Rev. Dr. Martha R. Jacobs, BCC
Managing Editor, PlainViews, an e-newsletter
for chaplains and other spiritual care providers
New York NY
Rabbi Steven Jacobs
Founder, Progressive Faith Foundation
Board of Directors, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Los Angeles CA
Rabbi Miriam Jerris
Society for Humanistic Judaism
Farmington Hills MI
Harvey Joyner
First Congregational Christian United Church of Christ
Chesterfield VA
Rev. Kathryn Johnson
Executive Director
Methodist Federation for Social Action
Washington DC
Frances Kissling
Visiting scholar
Center for Bioethics
University of Pennsylvania
Washington DC
Carolyn Kunin
Department on Programming and Advocacy
Women of Reform Judaism
New York NY
Rev. Peter Laarman
Executive Director
Progressive Christians Uniting
Los Angeles CA
Rev. Dr. Ken Brooker Langston
Disciples Justice Action Network (Disciples of Christ)
Annapolis MD
Rev. Ann Larson
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Essex Junction, VT
Deborah M. Lauter
Director Civil Rights
Anti-Defamation League
Washington DC
Rev. Dr. Bill Levering
Senior Pastor
First Reformed Church
Schenectady NY
Rabbi David C. Levy*
Temple Shalom
Succasunna NJ
Shelley Lindauer
Executive Director
Women of Reform Judaism
New York NY
H. Scott Matheney
Chaplain and Dean of Religious Life
Elmhurst College
Chicago IL
Rev. Timothy McDonald, III
First Iconium Baptist Church
Atlanta GA
Rev. Deborah Mero
Unitarian Universalist Minister
Co-Convener Religious Leadership Council
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
West Chester PA
Ms. Valerie A. Metzler
"Messenger" representative
Sunday School teacher and Choir member
28th Street Church of the Brethren
Altoona PA
The Rev. Suzanne Meyer
Unitarian Church
Cheyenne WY
Rev Barbara Eaton Molfese
RCRC Religious Leadership Council
Lafayette CO
Rev. Peter Morales
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Boston MA
Rabbi Shoshana Nyer
Associate Rabbi/Educator
Temple B'nai Shalom
Woman's Rabbinic Network Representative to the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Council of Governors
Fairfax Station VA,
Jon O'Brien
Catholics for Choice
Washington DC
Rev. Aaron R. Payson
Unitarian Universalist Minister
Board of Directors, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Worcester MA
Dr. Alton B. Pollard, III
Howard University School of Divinity*
Washington DC
Rev. Lois Powell
Justice & Witness Ministries
United Church of Christ
Cleveland OH
The Rev. Don Prange
St. James United Church of Christ
Lovettsville VA
Donna Quinn
National Coalition of American Nuns
Chicago, IL
The Very Reverend Dr. Katherine Hancock Ragsdale
President and Dean
Episcopal Divinity School
Cambridge MA
Nancy Ratzan
National Council of Jewish Women
Miami FL
Jerri Rodewald
Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Louisville, KY
Rev. Dr. Pete Sabey, MFT
Principal Therapist
Interfaith Counseling Service, Davis and Claremont
Claremont CA
Christine Sacino, Esq.
Catholic and Masters in Theological Studies student
Jesuit School of Theology
Berkeley CA
Rabbi Julie Schonfeld
Executive Vice President
The Rabbinical Assembly
New York NY
Rosanne M. Selfon
Women of Reform Judaism
New York NY
David A. Smith
Professor of Sociology
University of California, Irvine
Irvine United Congregational Church
Chair, Advocates for Peace and Justice Ministry
Irvine CA
Rev. John H. Thomas
General Minister and President
United Church of Christ
Cleveland OH
Rev. Pamala Thomas
Reverend and Transpersonal Counselor - Gateway to Light
Santa Monica CA
Loribeth Weinstein
Executive Director
Jewish Women International
Washington DC
Ms Tena Willemsma
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Winchester VA
Mary Jo Wittry
American Ethical Union
New York, NY
Nancy Hunt Wirth
Disciples for Choice
Tulsa OK
Rabbi Jeffrey A. Wohlberg
The Rabbinical Assembly
New York NY
Rabbi Shawn Zevit
Director of Outreach and Tikkun Olam
Congregational Consultant
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Jenkintown PA
*for identification purposes only