Open Letter from Religious Leaders to Members of Congress Supporting Inclusion of Abortion Services in Health Care Reform

Who Are The Opponents Of Health Care Reform?

Who are the opponents of health care reform?  People like Andrew Beacham, who at a protest today said that reform would start a new "civil war" and called President Obama a "tyrant" at a protest led by Republican congressman. The New York Times reports

Mr. Beacham, his hair in a ponytail, said in an interview that he believed Mr. Obama was a fascist because, he asserted, the bill would force Americans to pay for abortions and for government-provided health care. Reminded that Americans have long contributed to and benefited from Medicare and Medicaid, Mr. Beacham replied, “I would favor getting rid of both of them, and Social Security, too. They’re all going broke anyway.” 

A freelance producer of film documentaries, Mr. Beacham said he did not have health insurance. “When I need health care, I pay for it out of pocket,” he said, adding that he did not fear the possibility that an accident or illness would leave him with unaffordable bills. “I’m a Christian, so I’m not afraid of death,” he said. 

The young man said he was one of about a dozen members of an anti-abortion group called Insurrecta Nex, which he described as a local chapter of followers of the militantly anti-abortion leader Randall Terry. 

Among the other protesters were followers of anti-government activist Lyndon LaRouche, who circulated a magazine with a retouched picture of Mr. Obama in a Hitler-like mustache on the cover, and members of the Tea Party Patriots, a recently formed group of opponents to the health care bill, some of them carrying bright yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” flags.

Republican leaders sure are keeping odd company these days.

Bechman's views, however, are far outside mainstream Christian thought.

But at least the GOP is consistent.  They oppose health care today just liked they opposed Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.  Imagine what America would be like today without these vital programs.  

Let me offer up again the reasons I shared with Portlanders about why so many in the faith community support health care reform from remarks I gave at a rally this September:

The audio podcast of my remarks can be downloaded here:

Download CCPDXHealthCareRally082909

(click with the RIGHT mouse button on the hyperlink and choose “Save Target As” and save to your desktop or other folder – once downloaded click on the file to listen).

Now On ITunes

You can now subscribe to my podcasts on ITunes by clicking here. 

The vote on the Affordable Health Care for America Act is just hours away.  It isn't too late to call your members of Congress to tell them to support this historic legislation.  You can reach your member through the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.  The vote will be close.
