Oregon Religious Leaders To Wyden, Merkley: Help Homeless Kids In School
Sunday, December 20, 2009
December 20, 2009
The Honorable Ron Wyden
The Honorable Jeff Merkley
Dear Senator Wyden and Senator Merkley:
As leaders of faith communities in Oregon deeply concerned with the needs of homeless children, we are writing to ask you both to sign-on as co-sponsors of S. 2800 and S. 2801. These two pieces of legislation would provide critically needed educational opportunities for homeless youth and children in foster care.
As you know, on Sept. 18th, 2009, State Superintendent of Schools, Susan Castillo, announced that the number of homeless students in Oregon public schools during the 2008-2009 school year had risen 14% from the previous year, and totaled 18,059 students who were homeless for some or all of the school year. The first academic year that Oregon conducted a statewide count of homeless students in the public schools was 2003-04, and in that year the count identified 8,143 homeless students. The number has increased every year since, and currently stands 122% above the 2003-04 levels.
On Thursday, November 19, US
Senators Patty Murray and Al Franken introduced the "Educational Success
for Children and Youth Without Homes Act of 2009," S. 2800, and the
"Fostering Success in Education Act of 2009," S. 2801.
The "Educational Success for Children
and Youth Without Homes Act of 2009," S. 2800, amends the McKinney-Vento
Act's Education for Homeless Children and Youth program, Title I, Part A of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), and other related titles of the
ESEA. S. 2800 makes a strong law even stronger by reinforcing and expanding its
key provisions, including school stability, enrollment, and support for
academic achievement. S. 2800 also expands authorized funding to meet
transportation needs.
The "Fostering Success in Education Act
of 2009," S. 2801, establishes a new education program to ensure that all
children and youth in foster care have school stability, immediate school
access, and support for academic success. S. 2801 encourages collaboration
across education and child welfare agencies to cover the cost of transportation
to enable foster youth to continue in their school of origin when it is in
their best interest, with ultimate responsibility for the cost of
transportation on child welfare agencies when necessary. S. 2801 requires
school districts to collaborate with child welfare agencies to facilitate
transportation in a cost-effective manner.
Oregon children would greatly benefit from both these pieces of legislation. As Oregon’s faith community works to alleviate homelessness through faith-based shelters, support services, fund raising, and advocacy we need the immediate assistance of our two senators as co-sponsors of S. 2800 and S. 2801.
Please contact Rev. Chuck Currie at 971-322-7920 or [email protected] with any additional questions.
The Rev. Chuck Currie
United Church of Christ Minister
Portland, Oregon
The Rev. Dr. Arvin Luchs
Senior Minister
First United Methodist Church
Portland, Oregon
Rabbi Yitzhak Husbands-Hankin
Temple Beth Israel
Eugene, Oregon
The Rev. Dr. Ian Doescher
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Portland, Oregon
The Rev. Dr. David L. Wheeler
First Baptist Church
Portland, Oregon
Wajdi Said
President and Co-Founder
Muslim Educational Trust
Portland, Oregon
Rania Ayoub
Director of Public Relations
Muslim Educational Trust
Portland, Oregon
The Rev. Thomas English
St. Mary's Episcopal Church (Jail
and Prison Ministry)
Eugene, Oregon
Dr. Rex Hagans
Member, Public Policy Committee
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
The Rev. Cecil Charles Prescod,
Director of Christian Education
and Youth Ministries
Ainsworth United Church of Christ
Portland, Oregon
The Reverend Stephen Schafroth, Deacon
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
The Dalles, Oregon
Council, Episcopal Diocese of
Eastern Oregon
Deputy, General Convention of The
Episcopal Church
The Rev. Ryan J. Lambert
Associate Pastor
First Congregational
United Church of Christ
Corvallis, Oregon
Eric Cannon
Interfaith Committee on
Washington County, Oregon
Sister Mary Kay Lampert
Sisters of the Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary
Portland, Oregon
Sister Rosemary Anne Parker
Sisters of the Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary
Portland, Oregon
Jan Elfers
Director of Member Relations
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
The Rev. Dr. Daniel E. H. Bryant
Senior Minister
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Eugene, Oregon
The Rev. Mary Sue Evers
Cedar Hills United Church of Christ
Beaverton, Oregon
The Rev. Kate Lore
Social Justice Minister
First Unitarian Church
Portland, Oregon
Mira Conklin
Hispanic/Latino Ministry
Western Washington County
Hispanic/Latino Ministries
The United Methodist Church
The Rev. Eugene Ross
Retired Conference Minister,
Central Pacific Conference
United Church of Christ
The Rev. Dr. Patricia Ross
Retired Senior Minister
First Congregational
United Church of Christ
Portland, Oregon
The Rev. John Boonstra
Bethel United Church of Christ
White Salmon
The Rev. Dr. Dennis Johnson
Eugene, Oregon
Linda Ebert
Co-Chair Social Justice Committee
Cedar Hills United Church of
Beaverton, Oregon
Pastor Matthew Eagan
Calvary Lutheran Church
Hillsboro, Oregon
The Rev. Vicky Stifter
Riverside Community Church
(United Church of Christ)
Hood River, Oregon
The Rev. Charlie Ross
Pastor Emeritus
Parkrose Community
United Church of Christ
Portland, Oregon
The Rev. John Reutter-Harrah
Prince of Life Lutheran Church
Oregon City, Oregon
Judy Boncaro
Office Manager
Meridian United Church of Christ
Wilsonville, Oregon
The Rev. Patricia Berger
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Gresham, Oregon
Dr. Russ Dondero
Member, United Church of Christ,
Forest Grove
Member, Interfaith Committee on
Professor Emeritus, Pacific
Forest Grove, Oregon
Bruce R. Poinsette
Central Pacific Conference United Church of Christ
Brenda Kame'enui
Justice and Witness Committee
First Congregational United
Church of Christ
Eugene, Oregon
Elaine Nelson
Social and Environmental Action
Committee of the
Unitarian Universalist Community
Church of Washington County
Deborah G. Knudson
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Portland, Oregon
Evelyn Lamon
Cedar Hills United Church of
Beaverton, Oregon
Don Johnson
Member, Social Action Team
Zion United Church of Christ
Gresham, Oregon
Blair Loudat
Parkrose Community United Church of Christ
Portland, Oregon
Heidi Evans
Cedar Hills United Church of Christ
Portland, Oregon
Corliss Marsh
First Congregational United Church of Christ
The Dalles, Oregon
Annie Heart
Family Bridge Shelter
Washington County, Oregon
*Organizational affiliations are
listed for identification purposes only.