Buddhist Chaplain Danny Fisher Responds To Brit Hume
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
FOX's Brit Hume thinks that if Tiger Woods would become a Christian all would be ok for the disgraced golfer (whose hero image was destroyed by the uncovering of numerous affairs). Woods, it seems, practices Buddhism. Why Hume thinks Christianity would make Woods a better person is a mystery to me. Just think of all the Christians we all know who have failed to live up to their martial vows (Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Ted Haggard, etc.). Christians fail with the best of them. But Hume's remarks also show a deep misunderstanding of Buddhism as a religion. His remarks were pretty darn offensive, in fact, and laced with ignorance. He asserts that Christanity is better than Buddhism but it is pretty clear he has no real understanding of this great world religion. I'll let my friend The Rev. Danny Fisher, a Buddhist chaplain and blogger, fill you in on that part.