If You’re Out There: A Sermon Celebrating The Life and Ministry of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Let's Help Hillsboro's Family Bridge Homeless Shelter

Catch Me Tonight At 5 pm On KPDQ's The Georgene Rice Show Talking Measures 66 and 67

Catch me live tonight at 5 pm on The Georgene Rice Show on KPDQ talking about why so many Christians and other people of faith are supporting the Yes on 66 and 67 campaign.  It appears the call-in number for the program is 1-800-845-2162.  

KPDQ is a "Christian" radio station owned by Salem Communications Corporation, a for-profit venture whose owners are big-time contributors to Republican candidates and causes.  In fact, the company operates a political action committee that gives 100% of their contributions to Republican candidates.  All in the name of Jesus Christ.

There's really something grossly wrong with a for-profit company operating a "ministry" that includes a partisan PAC (or any kind of PAC) and that would be just as true if someone was doing the same in support of Democratic candidates.

I've never heard Ms. Rice's program before, however.  Her position is unknown to me on Measures 66 and 67.

What I do know is that Ecuemical Ministries of Oregon, whose membership includes:

African Methodist Episcopal Church 
American Baptist Churches of Oregon
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oregon
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Church of the Brethren 
Community of Christ
Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Oregon 
Episcopal Diocese of Oregon
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 
Greek Orthodox Church
Presbyterian Church (USA) 
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland 
United Church of Christ 
United Methodist Church 
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches

has endorsed Measures 66 and 67 (though not every one of these individual denominations may have taken a stand) along with the evangelical leaning Oregon Center for Christian Values.  In additional, hundreds of individual faith leaders have endorsed the measures from a number of religious traditions.

Read my op-ed in The Oregonian for the reasons why so many Christians back these two important measures: 

Measures 66 and 67: Caring for the least of these
