National Council Of Churches General Secretary Michael Kinnamon In Portland Monday Night
Portland Wrong To Ask For Change Of Venue In James Chasse Case

Christians Gather In Portland To Hear The Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon

Michael Kinnamon The Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon, general secretary of the National Council of Churches (NCC), was in Portland today for meetings with Oregon ecumenical leaders and a "town-hall" style forum at First United Methodist Church.  Dr. Kinnamon's visit was arranged by Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO).

NCC is made up of "Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, Evangelical, historic African American and Living Peace churches — include 45 million persons in more than 100,000 local congregations in communities across the nation."  The United Church of Christ is a member.

Dr. Kinnamon spoke at the town hall meeting about the need for Christian unity and reconciliation during a time of great division not only within churches but in the society-at-large.  He lifted up the growing partnerships between mainline, evangelical, orthodox and Roman Catholic churches on issues such as poverty, the environment, and war and peace as examples of successful ecumenical endeavors.  Dr. Kinnamon also spoke of the need for increased interfaith dialog in our nation during a time of growing religious pluralism.  But he also acknowledged the difficulties in these tasks when churches are often torn about over social issues.

017-copy Well over 100 people attended the town hall discussion from a variety of Christian traditions. 

Earlier in the day Dr. Kinnamon met with the heads of communions in Oregon that make up the leadership of EMO.

The Oregonian published a Q & A with Dr. Kinnamon in today's paper that you can read here.

Dr. Kinnamon served as the Allen and Dottie Miller Professor of Mission, Peace and Ecumenical Studies at Eden Theological Seminary before being named the general secretary of NCC.  At Eden I had the good fortune to take classes with Dr. Kinnamon, travel to India with him as part of a study seminar, and to serve as his teaching assistant during my final semester.

Liz and I, along with the the twins, enjoyed a chance to see Michael and to have dinner with him after his meetings had ended.     
