If You’re Out There: A Sermon Celebrating The Life and Ministry of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
This morning I held the deep privilege of preaching at Portland's First United Methodist Church during a special service honoring The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. No audio podcast of my sermon is available but my sermon notes can be downloaded here. The Rev. Dr. Arvin Luchs, senior minister at First United Methodist, has my deep appreciation for extending such a kind invitation.
The audio podcast of the sermon that I deleivered on MLK Sunday at First United Methodist Church is now available for download.
(some browsers - like Firefox or Google Chrome - will allow you to simply click on the link and listen...otherwise click with the RIGHT mouse button on the hyperlink and choose “Save Target As” and save to your desktop or other folder – once downloaded click on the file to listen).
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Photo credit: Life, Paul Schutzer. Portrait of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking at 'prayer pilgramage for freedom' at Lincoln Memorial, 1957.