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"Religious leaders endorse Measures 66 and 67"

The Oregonian finally gets around to telling readers what most of us have known for months:  religious leaders are backing Measures 66 and 67:

Some Catholic parish bulletins in recent weeks published portions of a newsletter by the Archdiocese of Portand's Office of Peace and Justice/Respect Life, endorsing a yes vote on Measures 66 and 67. 

Matt Cato,  director of the office,  wrote in the January newsletter that the proposed tax increases "will prevent cuts to public education, health care, human services, and public safety, services which the poor and middle class rely on ... Catholic social teaching challenges us to meet the basic moral test of our society and put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first." 

The Most Rev. John G. Vlazny,  archbishop of Portland, previewed and supported Cato's letter before the newsletter was sent to pastors and other parish ministers, said Bud Bunce, an archdiocesan spokesman. The archdiocese did not ask parishes to reprint the endorsement, but individuals within some parishes did so, Bunce said. 

A number of Oregon religious leaders -- including the Oregon Board of Rabbis, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and Oregon's Religious Leaders for Tax Fairness -- have endorsed the measures. 

Ballots are due tomorrow (Tuesday) by 8 pm.  It is way too late to mail in your ballot.  Drop it off at one of these locations:


And if you want to know why religious leaders are coming out so strongly in favor of these measures click here.
