President Obama, Secretary Clinton Denounce Uganda Anti-Gay Law At National Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, February 04, 2010
President Obama and Secretary Clinton both spoke out today at the National Prayer Breakfast against the proposed anti-homosexuality act under consideration in Uganda. The law calls for the death penalty and jail time for gays and lesbians. Some of the organizers of the National Prayer Breakfast have had a role in inciting hatred towards gays and lesbians in Uganda. Harry Knox of the Human Rights Campaign and a member of the White House's Faith Council, along with others (myself included), had reached out to the White House asking the president to use the occasion to denounce the proposed law. We are fortunate in the United States to have a president of deep faith who is willing to defend human rights. Americans have seen this in the administration's revival of a robust Civil Rights Division in the U.S. Department of Justice and in the president's own advocacy on behalf of hate crimes laws. While many religious leaders across the country have backed the president's policies on these matters and condemned the proposed law in Uganda it remains disheartening that many on the fringes of the religious right in America continue to sow hatred and discord in the name of Jesus Christ.
Related Post: Photos & Remarks From The Respect Humanity: Uganda March and Rally