What I Really Told Willamette Week - The Full Story
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Liz and I showed up today in the pages of Willamette Week's "Valentine's Day" special edition. We're more than just Star Trek geeks, as the article implies. Below is the full response sent to WW that shows just how romantic the two of us really are.....
from Rev. Chuck Currie <[email protected]>
to James Pitkin
date Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 2:30 PM
subject Valentine's Day
mailed-by gmail.com
Hey James,
I was running out the door to drive down here to Salem when you called about Valentine's Day. My wife, Liz Smith Currie, and I are private people and so I was taken aback by your question. And to be honest, I haven't had much of a chance to think about Valentine's Day. But in the car ride down I had the chance to reflect and develop a plan of action that benefits Liz's status as one of Oregon's leading advocates for children and my role as a pastor.
And because we are often seen as one of Oregon’s most romantic couples I thought I would share that plan for you and your readers.
The evening will begin with a family dinner. Liz and I will be enjoying Lean Cuisine meals (for me because I'm trying to lose weight and Liz is like a 1950s movie star - think Grace Kelly - and doesn't want to be in the position of needing to lose weight). Frances and Katherine, our 5 year old twins, will have mac and cheese.
The girls will go the bed around 7 pm. That’s when the real fun begins.
As I give Liz a massage, she’ll read out loud the county-by-county election results from the Measure 66 / 67 campaign and we’ll have a good time taking turns making fun of The Oregonian’s editorial board.
Liz doesn’t share my religious faith but a night like this is perfect for Scripture readings.
Over candle light I’ll read from Genesis 4:1(though we don’t really want any more kids…it’s just a way to set the mood).
At this point in the evening, there is a 50% chance that Frances will belly-flop out of her bed to the floor and will hit her head or that Katherine will stick a marble up her nose – requiring yet another trip to the emergency room.
If no emergency room visits are required, however, the romance will continue.
We’re both kind of Star Trek geeks and will probably dress up in character and reenact that famous scene where Captain Kirk and Lt. Uhura kiss. Who doesn’t do that on Valentine’s Day? Lots of Romulan ale will be consumed.
Afterwards, we’ll set aside some time to debate the president’s budget priorities.
Then it will be time for bed where we can count on at least 15 minutes of alone time before one of our children wake up and need help going to the bathroom or need to be comforted after a nightmare.
As you can see, our reputation for romance is well deserved.
Hope this helps.