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Rock Bright, My Grandfather, Passed Away Today

Updated below with a podcast of the eulogy from Rock's funeral.

Rock_on_the_boat3 C.O. “Rock” Bright, my grandfather, passed away a short time ago in Columbia, South Carolina. His death won’t make the papers but for our family he was everything. Nearly 92, he lived a full life that focused on his family more than anything. I learned a lot from him about character and about how to be a good husband and father. He was a Navy veteran who built boats and then worked as a welder and salesman. Rock boxed in his youth – which is how he got his nickname – and loved to golf. When Frances, his wife and my grandmother, was left incapacitated by a terrible stroke he stayed by her side in her nursing home every single day – every single day. His love for her was total. So was his love for my mother, Judith Bright, and my uncle, Dr. C.O. “Rocky” Bright, Jr. His grandchildren and great grandchildren felt that same love and we were all devoted to him. 92 years might seem like a lot but we would have loved another 100. In the midst of my first political campaign the timing couldn’t be worse but I will return to South Carolina next week for the funeral. Family comes before politics and anyone who thinks otherwise should vote for another candidate. I invite your prayers and good thoughts for Rock and our family.

Fran And Rock 001 


From The State

Columbia - Funeral service for Chester Orvil “Rock” Bright Sr., 92, will be held 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 16, 2010, at Shandon Baptist Church with burial in Greenlawn Memorial Park. Visitation is 6:30-8:30 p.m. Monday at Dunbar Funeral Home, Devine Street Chapel. 
Mr. Bright, husband of the late Frances Crout Bright, died March 12, 2010. Born April 18, 1917, in Turtle Lake, Wis., he was a son of the late Clifford D. and Nina Gravening Bright. He was a graduate of Columbia High School and attended Presbyterian College. He served in the Navy during WWII. He was a member of Shandon Baptist Church for more than 60 years, where he taught Sunday school. A welder and pipefitter, in his later years he worked in the wholesale grocery business. Rock enjoyed golf, painting, church and family.
Surviving are his son, Dr. Chester O. “Rocky” Bright Jr. (Ruth A.), Columbia; daughter, Judith Frances Bright (John C. Thomas), Cathlamet, Wash.; grandchildren, Tonya Gramann, Debra Huss, Rev. Charles Currie Jr., Jennifer Currie, Heather Medders; great-grandchildren, Hannah Gramann, Dylan and Devin Medders, Ian Rock Bertrand, Katherine and Frances Currie, Taylor and Sawyer Huss. He was predeceased by brothers, Bernard, George and Eugene Bright. 
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Harvest Hope, P.O. Box 451, Columbia, SC 29202 or Cooperative Ministries, 126 Blythewood Road, Blythewood, SC 29016. 
Special thanks to the administration and staff of N.H.C. Parklane for their loving care.

Updated 3/16/10:  We had a nice funeral service today for Rock here in Columbia.  Below is a podcast of the eulogy that I delivered for my grandfather on behalf of our family.

Download Eulogy For Rock Bright 3-16-10

(some browsers - like Firefox or Google Chrome - will allow you to simply click on the link and listen...otherwise click with the RIGHT mouse button on the hyperlink and choose “Save Target As” and save to your desktop or other folder – once downloaded click on the file to listen).

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