National Council of Churches USA Poverty Initiative
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Poverty is one of the most important issues lifted up in Scripture. We are called by God not only to help those in need through individual acts of charity but all through societal change. Click here Click here to visit the Poverty Initiative of the National Council of Churches.
The goal of the Poverty Initiative is to empower and mobilize the faith community to lend its powerful moral and public voice to the ongoing and urgent debate around poverty.
Churches have been powerful voices for generations on a range of defining social justice issues, most importantly the need to address poverty. Central to any Christian message is the call to care for the "least of these"--to love and care for our neighbors. With more people both in the United States and globally living on the economic margins, people of faith are drawing more deeply upon that rich tradition of social justice engagement to speak out on the need to address the range of poverty issues, and create community practices and national policies that lift people from a life of poverty.
The voice of the church is needed on this important moral issue.