The Bible by Bicycle
Friday, July 02, 2010
Whenever I get a Google alert that has some sort of combination of "United Church of Christ," "Barack Obama," and "Chuck Currie" it comes from a blog or Religious Right website that then proceeds to explain how the UCC is a socialist cult and our president the anti-Christ (if I'm mentioned it usually follows that I'm an employee and / or supporter of said anti-Christ).
So it was with trepidation that I opened a recent alert that had these words:
To those of you reading from Portland, the UCC is the church of Chuck Currie and Barack Obama.
What had we done now?
But the full paragraph made me smile:I managed to arrive in enjoy the worship service at the Klamath Falls Congregational United Church of Christ. To those of you reading from Portland, the UCC is the church of Chuck Currie and Barack Obama. The Klamath Falls congregation is awesome.This is from the blog The Bible by Bicycle, by Andrew Palmbeck. Andrew works for Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.
Andrew is one of the smartest and nicest young leaders in Oregon today (and I say this not just because he writes complementary things about me on his blog). He has one of the brightest minds I know.
And good taste in women. Andrew dates Michelle Rogelstad, who worked on the Yes on 66 and 67 campaigns and now for the Bus Project (in between she worked on my short campaign for county commissioner as our field director). Michelle had endless energy and talent.
Keep your eye on these two. They'll be in charge of Oregon before long.
That gives me a lot of hope for the future.