A Christian Voter's Guide For Oregon's Fall 2010 Elections
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) - our state's council of churches - has released a Voter's Guide for the November elections. The guide only deals with public policy initiatives. EMO does not endorse or rank candidates for political office.
Why publish a Voter's Guide?
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon believes that the demands of the Gospel and our understanding of our diverse religious traditions call us to participate in civic life. Our faith traditions give us a unique and important perspective to offer the community in deliberations on civic, legislative and governmental matters. EMO believes that every person should be given the opportunity to be informed about the policies and processes of government at every level.
The positions taken by EMO should be seen as recommendations. While these recommendations have been made after careful thought and prayer people of good faith can come to different conclusions.
EMO recommends the following:
Measure 70: Veterans Home Loans Expansion. Vote YES
Measure 71: Oregon Legislature Annual Sessions Amendment. No Position
Measure 72: Authorizes exception to $50,000 state borrowing limit for state property projects. No Position
Measure 73: Increases mandatory minimum sentences for specified crimes. Vote NO
Measure 74: Regulated Medical Marijuana Supply System Act. No Position
Measure 75: Authorizes Multnomah County Casino. Vote NO
Measure 76: Continues dedicated funding for parks, wildlife and water shed protection. Vote YES
City of Portland Measure 26-108: Continues City public campaign financing for Mayoral, Commissioner and Auditor candidates. Vote YES
Click here to download the full guide. You'll find information on all the measures and can read EMO's reasoning on each.