"Facebook revokes, returns Portland minister's posting rights as drama of Quran burning unfolds"
President Obama: "It’s just us.”

Feedback: The Ugly And The Good

There are some very angry and hateful people in this country:

Marc RappSeptember 10, 2010 at 3:03am

Subject: Koran Burning

I gotta tell you I just read your article in the Washington Post. It just figures that a putz like you can sit back in the pot smoking, homosexual loving part of the country and spew your own nonsense. Radical Islam could give two craps less about burning a book least of all their own play book. They are coming at us hot and heavy and it's because sit on your thumbs Christians like yourself wish to do nothing about the sin that has enveloped this country. You don't and won't speak out about anything controversial for fear of upsetting a particular group. Like I said before if we hand out any version of the bible in any of these Muslim countries rest assured you will be met with anger and hostility and possibly fear for your life. If you go onto any news outlet be it CNN or FOX or BBC you can find radical Muslims trying to force their beliefs on the people around them. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the same God that sent the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. He is also the same God that helped David defeat the Philistines and many other peoples that came against his people the Israelites the 12 tribes of Israel. Sorry Mr Passive Preacher
that loves to sit back and do nothing. Yeah that's you and your whole wishy washy congregation of nothingness. Go to church on Sunday, feed the homeless on Thanksgiving have a food drive and toy drive for Christmas and live happily ever after, in the butt hole of the US. Sound familiar? That's you and your congregation. Don't upset anyone, let's be politically correct and kiss everyone's butt. We wouldn't want my congregation and all their money to go away.
WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR ? GOOD OR EVIL? You would make a great chief of staff for President Obama. You are truly disgusting!
Call me if you have the moxy to debate someone in front of your congregation. (phone # redacted) Marc Rapp. [email protected]
Bye bye.

The good news, from my perspective, is that people like this don't speak for the vast majority of Americans - conservative, moderate or progressive - who value the great diversity of our nation and the respect for religious pluralism that is a hallmark of our democracy.

One way I know this is from some of the very kind e-mails sent to me today by people who read my piece in The Washington Post and from the 16,000+ people who have joined the Facebook group People of Faith Against Burning the Qur'an.  
