The Third Annual Auction benefiting Portland Homeless Family Solutions - which operates the Goose Hollow Family Shelter and the Thirteen Salmon Family Center - is being held on Sunday, October 3rd from 5-8pm. They promise "great food & dessert, wines, and entertainment." This event has been very successful over the last few years in raising private donations to support two critically important faith-based programs in Portland. As poverty increases, so do the number of people experiencing homelessness. That was the topic of a press conference that was held today at Thirteen Salmon Family Center. Speakers - myself included - called on the federal government to adopt the goals put forth by the Half In Ten Campaign, a national effort endorsed by the Justice & Witness Ministries of the United Church of Christ and the Center for American Progress, among others - to cut the federal poverty level in half over the next ten years. I'm excited to be the featured speaker for the October 3rd auction. As the director of community outreach at Portland's First United Methodist Church, I served as the executive director of the Goose Hollow Family Shelter from 1997-2002. Both the Goose Hollow Family Shelter and the Thirteen Salmon Family Center rely on volunteers and donations.
If you are interested in attending the auction, please send the names and addresses of everyone attending and a check for $35 per person to PHFS, 1838 SW Jefferson, Portland, OR 97201. Or call 503-915-8306 for more information.
You can contact Portland Homeless Family Solutions today via the web through this link. They'll send you all the information on this event being held at the Multnomah Athletic Club. Can't be there? You can still donate or volunteer.