JPANet: Pass the DREAM Act!
Preaching 9/19 at All People's United Church of Christ: A Central Oregon House Church

"Where have you gone, Tom McCall? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you (Woo woo woo)"

People for the American Way sends out this note today:

The Religious Right's annual 'Values Voter Summit' is set to take place this weekend in Washington, DC, where it will be the usual suspects from groups like Family Research Council (FRC) and the American Family Association (AFA), and some Republican politicians eager to maintain strong ties with the party's ideological base. But even among the Christian Reconstructionists, the anti-choice zealots and the anti-gay extremists, one figure stands out: the AFA's Bryan Fischer.

Bryan Fischer has seemingly been trying to set some sort of record when it comes to fomenting anti-Muslim and anti-gay hysteria. In just the last several months he has demanded that no new mosques be built anywhere in America, argued that inbreeding has caused Muslims to be unintelligent and violent, stated that Muslims should be banned from U.S. military service and called for the deportation of all Muslims from the U.S. He also claimed last month that American soldiers who died in Iraq died in vain because the U.S. failed to convert Iraq to a Christian nation.

Fischer said that "homosexuals should be disqualified from public office," and insisted that gays should be banned from serving on the Supreme Court because they are "biased, sexual deviant felons" and "pedophiles." He called gay adoption an "inexcusable, inhumane thing to do to children," said gay sex was a form of domestic terrorism and even made the absurd claim that virtually all Nazi Stormtroopers and Brownshirts were homosexuals because Hitler could not get straight soldiers to muster the savageness and brutality it took to carry out his orders.

The Republican leaders participating in this weekend's event -- which is cosponsored by AFA -- include Rep. Michele Bachmann, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Rep. Mike Pence and Newt Gingrich. These are people who are national leaders in one of the country's two major parties... many of whom aspire to lead this nation as president!

Please join PFAW's call demanding that these national GOP leaders denounce Bryan Fischer's extremism now.

What happened to the party of Tom McCall and Mark Hatfield?  
