Oregon GOP Must Fire Dennis Oliver Woods
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WW reports on letter that I co-signed with Gov. Barbara Roberts asking GOP to fire extremist operative

Ex-Gov. Barbara Roberts and Other Leaders Ask GOP to Fire Extremist Pollster

Related Post: Oregon GOP Must Fire Dennis Oliver Woods

Update:  I'm glad to note that the Oregon Senate Republican Caucus released a statement today announcing that in response to the letter that I sent with Governor Roberts they would no longer do business with Dennis Oliver Woods.  It is disappointing, however, that rather than admit their mistake in hiring Mr. Woods and taking this opportunity to condemn his radical beliefs they simply launched a partisan political attack.  Never-the-less, I am glad the GOP Senate Caucus has ended their relationship with Mr. Woods.  This was the correct course of action to take.  I will be watching to see if Mr. Woods' other political clients - including Oregonians In Action, the Taxpayer Association of Oregon, Oregonians For Immigration Reform, the Oregon Family Farm Association and the Leadership Fund - follow suit.    
