Bad Pulpit Politics
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Did this really happen? The New York Times reports:
“God is good,” Andrew M. Cuomo declared as he took the pulpit at Brown Memorial Baptist Church on Sunday, prompting a thunderous response from the audience. “All the time,” he bellowed.
That, more or less, concluded the religious portion of Mr. Cuomo’s visit. For the next 10 minutes, Mr. Cuomo delivered a pitch for support in his bid for governor, citing his record as attorney general and assailing his opponent “for trying to divide us.”
The church’s pastor, the Rev. Clinton M. Miller, quickly encouraged congregants to vote for Mr. Cuomo. Congregants clapped politely, if warily, as if their hands were a tad callused from the parade of politicians.
If so, it should trigger an IRS investigation.
Partisan politics have no place in the pulpit. Churches that engage in such activity can - and should - lose their tax exempt status.
Related Post: "Election Year Pledge for Clergy"
Update: Americans United has written the IRS calling for an investigation of this church.