Want To Learn More About The 2010 #Oregon Ballot Measures? Join Me Sunday.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Want to learn more about Oregon's ballot measures? Join me at Ainsworth United Church of Christ this Sunday (October 17, 2010) at 9am for the church's Early Edition forum.
Ainsworth is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, open & affirming, Just Peace and accessible church. We celebrate that God is still speaking in our world today and that God’s extravagant welcome and love is for everyone. We hope that your journey of faith will lead you to us and that you experience God’s love through us.
I'll be leading a discussion of the measures and we'll review recommendations made on each one by Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO). You can download EMO's ballot guide here. We'll be there to talk just about the ballot measures - not the candidates or their positions on the issues.
Ainsworth United Church of Christ is located on the corner of NE 30th & Ainsworth.