This morning I was honored to be the guest preacher at Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ in Beaverton, Oregon. The congregation has discerned it's mission as being that:
We are called to be an open and inclusive,
open and affirming community of faith,
worshiping God,
sharing the life and teachings of Jesus Christ,
and practicing God's unconditional love for all creation.
I preached today on Luke 18:9-14. You can download a podcast of my sermon below:
(some browsers - like Firefox or Google Chrome - will allow you to simply click on the link and listen...otherwise click with the RIGHT mouse button on the hyperlink and choose “Save Target As” and save to your desktop or other folder – once downloaded click on the file to listen).
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I want to thank The Rev. David Randall-Bodman for his invitation to preach and to the people of Bethel for their hospitality.