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National Council Of Churches Calls For End To Afghanistan War

The Governing Board of the National Council of Churches has adopted a resolution calling for an end to the war in Afghanistan:  

Processionfp The resolution, "A Call to End the War in Afghanistan," calls upon President Obama to negotiate a withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces from Afghanistan "to be completed as soon as possible without further endangerment to the lives and welfare of U.S. and NATO troops, Afghan troops and Afghan civilians."

The board urged the president "to monitor the human rights situation in Afghanistan in the context of the United Nations declaration to use all available diplomatic means to protect the population from crimes against humanity, and to employ military means of protection only as a last resort."

The board stated deep commitment "that we must reaffirm our witness to Christ's commandment to love our enemies," and called upon member communions "to articulate to one another and to government authorities the concept of a 'Just Peace' as a proactive strategy for avoiding premature or unnecessary decisions to employ military means of solving conflicts."

The resolution was adopted by a unanimous voice vote.

Click here for additional information.

The Centennial Gathering of the National Council of Churches and Church World Service is occurring this week in New Orleans.

Photo Credit:  NCC/Kathleen Cameron 
