Rich Rodgers For Portland School Board?
Friday, November 26, 2010
The rumor I hear is that Rich Rodgers is thinking about jumping into a race for Portland School Board. This Yale grad has spent his adult life working for the common good in Portland. He spent many years as a top staffer at City Hall where he demonstrated not just his intelligence but passionate care for kids and their families. Rich was a force behind the January 2010 campaign to reform Oregon's tax system to help reduce cuts to our schools. As a dad, he knows how important public schools are to the future of this great city. I've been hoping for years that Rich Rodgers would one day run for public office and I'm not at all surprised to hear he is thinking about running for a seat that comes with no pay and a lot of headaches. I hope he runs and wins. As a dad with two kids in the PPS and as a member of our school's site committee, I'd feel better knowing Rich was there fighting for strong public schools during tough times.