I'll be taking a week-long class on Peacemaking and Human Security at Chicago Theological Seminary in January. The class begins January 10th and while I've been reading for the class since November there are still a number of books I need to work through before the class begins.
Therefore, I am starting a sabbatical from blogging, tweeting and interacting on Facebook (and guest preaching) until at least January 10th (I may want to do some blogging as the class occurs).
Here's the course description (for those interested):
The ethical and spiritual challenges of new developments in the fields of human security, strategic peacebuilding and just peace. How do we embody nonviolence in strategic, self-critical and creative ways? How do we talk about peace and security in a way that bridges religious and political differences?
At a time when the United States is involved in two wars and the prospect for conflict between North and South Korea is very real, the course couldn't be more timely.
Chicago Theological Seminary is a graduate school affiliated with the United Church of Christ. I'm looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues on campus and to meeting new people.