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Come Together to End Gun Violence

Action Alert from the Justice and Witness Ministries of the United Church of Christ 

Gun violence can grab the national headlines, as it did recently in the aftermath of the tragic shooting rampage in Tucson, but for many communities, gun violence is such a routine fact of life that it sadly no longer draws much attention.  As people of faith, we are called to stand against violence in our communities.  Gun violence has already taken too great a toll in precious lives lost and permanently damaged, not only in Tucson but in communities around the country.

The debate over gun violence and gun control can quickly become divisive.  But we cannot allow a difficult debate to deter us from addressing what is a major public health crisis in the United States.  We can come together to take small, sensible steps toward preventing further tragedy.Rep. Carolyn McCarthy has introduced a bill that would limit the sale of high capacity ammunition magazines such as the one used in the Tucson shootings. 

Of course, no single law can prevent a tragedy such as the shooting in Tucson or the killing of 32 students at Virginia Tech in 2007.   Measures like the one to prohibit the sale of high capacity ammunition magazines are reasonable, modest steps toward reducing the terrible toll that is taken by gun violence. Please take this opportunity to come together across our differences in this small step to prevent future tragedies.

Take action now. Come together to stop gun violence.

