United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Action Alert
On January 1st new regulations went into effect aimed at reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most abundant and long-lasting greenhouse gas. State environmental agencies began regulating large stationary sources like coal-fired power plants and refineries, requiring them to be more efficient, thus reducing their carbon footprint.
Far from rejoicing about this effort to improve air quality and reduce gases associated with climate change, some members of Congress seek to stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act.
As people of faith we are called to protect God’s creation and those sisters and brothers who are first and mostly affected by climate changes. Sadly, it is those who have little influence and power who are the most vulnerable to the ravages of climatic phenomenon.
Ensuring the availability of clean air for people and creatures to breath is central to our calling, as people of faith, to be good stewards of God’s creation and to seek justice for all people. So is preventing further deterioration of the Earth’s climate due to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.