It really has been amazing to watch the events in Egypt unfold as they have the last few weeks. The last few days have been nothing short of dramatic. Like most Americans, I feel a deep sense of amazement at the courage of the protesters and relief that the old regime has fallen.
President Obama's words today were appropriate:
The Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thislethwaite wrote today:
No dictator lasts forever, no lie is so big that somewhere, somehow the truth will not will out.
Today the arc of the moral universe just caught up with former President Mubarak of Egypt. Even up until the speech last night, apparently this longtime dictator would not or could not see the truth, that indeed no lie lives forever and indeed, eventually, people reap what they sow.
Scenes of jubilation erupted when the announcement by Vice President Omar Suleiman was broadcast in Cairo's Tahrir Square, "Egypt is free! Egypt is free!" they said.
No, Egypt is not free, not yet. But it's much farther up the arc of the moral universe than it was last night.
My prayers continue to be with the people of Egypt. Hopefully, today will be the beginning of real freedom for the people there.
The new generation there lifted up the hope in the last few weeks that the world could be more free. We owe them our respect.