Majority Of Americans Support Gay Marriage
Friday, March 18, 2011
A generation ago it was illegal for people of different races to marry. There were plenty of Americans who argued that interracial marriage was incompatible with Christianity. Today we face a similar debate over same sex marriages. Now, for the first time, polling data shows that a majority of Americans support gay marriage. The Holy Spirit is at work softening hearts.
In 2005, the United Church of Christ became the first mainline Christian denomination to support full marriage equality - just as our denomination supported an end to the ban against interracial marriage a generation ago. Less than 40% of the American population supported the United Church of Christ's call for marriage equality five years ago. Now it is time to fully embrace the diversity of human creation that is a gift from God to all of us and to end discrimination against our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.
Related Link: It Is Good: Family & Community In The Tradition Of Jesus (A Sermon For Pride Sunday)