"Three Things Most People Don't Know about American Muslims"
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Today the shameful, anti-American Congressional hearing launched by U.S. Rep. Peter King to investigate American Muslims got underway. Faithful America believes there are three basic facts we should remember as these hearings move forward:
1. Muslim Americans reject terrorism and extremism.
All major branches of Islam agree that terrorism and violence against innocent people can never be justified. Muslims have wholly and consistently condemned terrorist attacks in all forms. Those who say otherwise just aren’t listening. 12. Muslim Americans are key partners with law enforcement
Muslim Americans are just as concerned about the safety of our country as the rest of us, and they are strong allies in the fight against terror. In fact, Muslim Americans have helped foil a significant number of terrorist plots since 9/11. Remember that it was a Muslim street vendor who alerted police to a bombing attempt in Times Square. 23. Muslim Americans value religious freedom
Muslims are members of the American family and hold the same American values of religious freedom, respect and cooperation as other faith groups. Muslims in America are teachers, doctors, lawyers, members of our armed forces, and countless other important contributors to our society. It’s time to stop focusing on divisive stereotypes that weaken us as a society and work together to move the country we share forward. Learning the truth about our neighbors is the first step to building a stronger community.Sources:
1. http://thinkprogress.org/2011/03/09/king-muslims-plots-terrorists/
2. http://www.mpac.org/programs/anti-terrorism-campaign.php
3. http://sanford.duke.edu/centers/tcths/about/news_release20110202.php
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