Donald Trump just doesn't understand why African-American voters support Barack Obama. "The blacks," as the New York business man / reality tv star calls African-Americans, should be more diverse in their politics. Apparently, Trump knows better than "the blacks" about how they should vote (and live their lives, I suspect). It would seem that by virtue of his skin color that Trump is smarter than "the blacks" and thus able to inform them how to think, vote, etc.
I'm sure the African-American community's strong support for President Obama has nothing to do with his political agenda. "The blacks" also strongly supported John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Michael Dukakis, Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter, George McGovern, Hubert Humphrey and Lyndon Johnson in modern times. Note that all of them were white. Why? Democrats have supported civil rights while the GOP has fought them. The same goes for social policies that address economic inequality. African-American support for President Obama and the Democratic Party is not based in inherent stupidity. And Obama had to earn that support when he started as the underdog in 2008.
Trump himself is on something of a racist crusade of late trying once again to prove that President Obama was born in Africa. This appears to be Trump's only issue as he considers a run against the president in 2012. It is sad. It is pathetic. And yes, it is racist. Only the truly desperate (i.e. Sarah Palin) try to keep rumors about the President's birthday place alive despite all the conclusive legal evidence to the contrary. In doing so they hope to create the impression that this black man isn't really a true American but something "other" than one of us. You know, like "the blacks."
And Trump wonders why the GOP has a hard time gaining ground with minority voters. Yes, it's a mystery.
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