For The Love Of All Creation: A Sermon On Genesis 1:1-2:4a for Pride Month 2011
Religious Leaders to President Obama: Aid, Not War in Afghanistan

John McCain Shouldn't Play With Fire Over Immigration

John McCain is blaming the wildfires in Arizona on illegal immigrants, reports ABC News.

And what does the U.S. Forest Service have to say? 

Tom Berglund, spokesman for the federal group managing the Wallow fire that McCain toured Saturday, said the cause of the fire has been determined as "human," specifically an "escaped campfire," meaning the campfire sparked beyond the confines of the rocks containing it.

Two "subjects of interest" have been spoken to, but as of now, no suspect has been named, Berglund said. When asked if there is substantial evidence that some fires were caused by illegal immigrants, as McCain said at a news conference Saturday, Berglund said: "Absolutely not, at this level."

"There's no evidence that I'm aware, no evidence that's been public, indicating such a thing," he said.

So without any evidence Senator McCain is just making some up to fit a political narative.

"The degree of irresponsible political pandering by Sen. McCain has no limits," Angelo Falcon, the president of the National Institute for Latino Policy, told CNN. "With the lack of evidence, he might as well also blame aliens from outer space for the fires."

McCain should abandon this kind of hateful politicking and return to his roots and embrace President Obama's comprehensive immigration reform plan instead of playing with fire.
