The GOP's Love Affair With Ayn Rand
Study: Religious Americans Support Legal Abortion

Mitt Romney's Faith Should Be Off Limits

There are valid reasons not to vote for Mitt Romney, the GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor.  He was, for example, pro-choice and in support of civil rights for gays and lesbians until those positions became untenable in today's Republican Party.  So he flip-flopped.  It leaves one to wonder where his moral center lies and what other positions he'll change just to curry favor with those on the far fringes of American society.

One issue that should be off limits in this race is Romney's religion.  As a Mormon, Romney faces the reality that some will not vote for him simply based on his faith.  Mormons have served with distinction at the highest levels of government and in the private sector but more importantly the United States Constitution demands that we impose no religious test on those who wish to hold office.

John F. Kennedy faced a similar problem in 1960 as a Roman Catholic candidate.  

It should not be a candidate's faith that determines our vote but rather their positions on the issues and what we know of their moral character.  We are electing a president and not a pastor. 
