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U.S. Department Of Justice Will Investigate Portland Police Bureau Over Civil Rights

I am gratified to learn this morning that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is scheduled to announce that they will investigate whether or not the Portland Police Bureau has engaged in a pattern of civil rights violations. My belief is that they have and I wrote the Civil Right Division of the DOJ a letter on December 4, 2010 calling for such an investigation - adding my voice as a minister in the United Church of Christ to the Albina Ministerial Alliance and others - and asking for accountability and reform. There is public evidence, including the deaths of James Chasse and Aaron Campbell, that argue that those suffering from mental illness and African-Americans have had their civil rights violated. Other allegations of misconduct - not public - have been made and shared with the DOJ that must be investigated. Portlanders deserve a police force they can trust. While the vast majority of Portland police officers are clearly outstanding men and women dedicated to our city there are some who clearly do not respect the law. Sadly, Chief Reese has maligned critics of the Bureau and said they are not to be paid attention to. My hope is that the U.S. Department of Justice forces the Portland Police Bureau to reform and become the bureau we need it to be.
