Celebrate Medicare This Saturday In Portland
Thursday, July 28, 2011
This Saturday at 1 pm I'll be joining other Oregonians for a rally and march to celebrate Medicare's 30th birthday. We'll gather at the North Park Blocks at 1 pm and march to Portland's Skidmore Foundtain. I hope you'll join me.
This critical health care program provides quality coverage to some of the most vulnerable Americans but is under attack in Congress today by members of the House and Senate who would rather continue tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans - including tax deductions for corporate jets - than help those who are fighting cancer and other diseases, many preventable with treatment.
Jobs with Justice is hosting Saturday's event and I'm honored to be among the speakers. At the Skidmore Fountain there will be cake to celebrate the 30th years of Medicare's important work.
For those on Facebook there is a page where you can RSVP. Otherwise, just show up!
Religious leaders across the country - myself included - have been telling Congress and the President that any deal on the deficit and debt ceiling most protect Medicare and other important programs that help people lift themselves out of poverty and care for those who are unable to care for themselves.