David Wu, Resign
Friday, July 22, 2011
U.S. Congressman David Wu - who as a college student was accused of rape - has been accused again of an unwanted sexual encounter, this time with a young woman (it is unclear if she was over 18 at the time of the encounter). Wu apparently does not deny the encounter, as reported by The Oregonian, but denies it was unwanted or rape. The Oregon democrat has already be dogged by allegations of prescription drug abuse and bizarre activities that have led to many of his long-time staff quiting. His reputation is in tatters - it has been for a long time - but this latest allegation puts the nail on the coffin. Even if he is not guilty of rape or sexual assault he apparently does not deny having a sexual encounter with a young woman who was in high school at the time. Even if she were 18 this shows a lack of judgement and moral character that should require Congressman Wu to immediately resign his position. Congressman Wu has had a solid record of public service. His final act in public life should be to resign his office and to attend to his family, personal and legal affairs so that the people of Oregon's First Congressional district can elect a new representative unburdened by scandal.