The right-wing talk show host started re-tweeting my Twitter posts and following me on Twitter yesterday. Good news, I tweeted back. Maybe my tweets highlighting the teachings of Jesus and pronouncements from a wide variety of church bodies on issues that promote the common good would led the Holy Spirit to soften her heart and stop her from preaching hate on the radio.
But Taft made clear this morning there is no chance of that happening in a blog posting:
Chuck Currie is a pastor in the church of the left...if you're keeping book: political speech is now "hate" speech. Being conservative in this town automatically makes you a 'hater' in Pastor Currie's world.
(I've been told her website is now down...perhaps a sign from above? :) I expect she'll be back.)
Not at all, Victoria. I've even voted for Republicans (Oregon used to produce some pretty darn good Republicans, after all. Remember Mark Hatfield?). And most conservatives I know are not hateful people. Do you think they are?
Haters are people like you, Victoria, who use the airways to make money by beating up on gays and lesbians - demanding that their civil rights be taken away or denied - and other vulnerable people. You belittle an anti-bullying campaign to protect gay and lesbian students by calling it "Prayer In School...For Gays."
As I wrote recently for The Huffington Post:
Holy Scripture has been misused to dehumanize gay and lesbian people and that sinful behavior has helped to create a climate where violence against one who is "other" is acceptable. Even today those in the far Religious Right -- in groups like Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council -- promote active discrimination against the LGBT community nationwide by fighting for the reversal of federal hate crimes laws and other civil rights protections using language that is comparable to language the Nazi Party used to dehumanize Jews. That same message is repeated day after day on talk radio. These different groups do share responsibility for the increase in hate crimes against gays and lesbians over the years.
Hey, I notice you're a fan of the Family Research Council. Didn't even have to look it up. You quote them on the front page of your web site.
It's worth noting that hate crimes against gays and lesbians are up 13% nationally. If that is your goal you are doing a super job.
And you remember, Victoria, when you made up that entire story about Muslim students being given special rights at Portland Public Schools denied to Christians and other people of faith...I know you do.
PolitiFact said you weren't just lying but that your "pants were on fire." It must take a lot of hate, or fear, or both, to attack children trying to pray.
Accepting the radical love that Jesus taught and working toward building up the Kingdom of God - the Beloved Community - would save you from the hate that consumes you now. You might make some money off what you do but making money off harming others and preaching hate is what God calls sin.
You wrote on Twitter:
Keep preaching "tolerance," Chuck!
I will, Victoria, just like most Christians, progressive, moderate or conservative. Jesus taught us:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. - Matthew 22 (NRSV)
No one will hear that message from you, I'm sad to say. They will from me. And I do pray that God softens your heart. Living off hate isn't really living. It's hell.
For The Love Of All Creation: A Sermon On Genesis 1:1-2:4a for Pride Month 2011 from The Rev. Chuck Currie on Vimeo.