This morning a small group protested outside the newly opened Portland chapter of Mars Hill Church, the anti-gay Seattle mega church. The Oregonian noted that:
About 20 protesters lined Southeast Taylor Street carrying banners and shouting obscenities as church-goers left when the service ended.
And that:
The protesters, some of whom wore kerchiefs to cover their faces, shouted profanities at adults and children.
There could not have been a more ugly and inappropriate display.
Mars Hills Church preaches a messed up and warped version of the Gospel, no question. But on the day that we honor The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a memorial it is worth remembering that he didn't meet hatred with hatred but with love.
Those who protested today represented the worst of Portland. I'm not suprised they could only get 20 people to join them or that they hid their faces like KKK members to hid their identities.
Related Post: Open Letter To Pastor Mark Driscoll And The People Of Mars Hill Church @PastorMark @MarsHill