"Christian" Talk Show Host Bill Post: "Is there a line for peeing on Taliban?" #gomarines #peeontaliban @bpradioshow
People of Faith Should Consider Cornilles' Views On Climate Change #OR1

We Are The Inheritors Of The Dream #MLKDay

If in this moment of history you are waiting for a great prophet from God to arise and led us from darkness to light remember that God is calling us all to this struggle. We are the inheritors of the dream and whether we like it or not, whether it is convenient or not, whether we are ready or not, for the future of our children and their children and their children, for the future of creation itself, we must loudly answer God's call by saying: Here I am, Lord.

- Rev. Chuck Currie, If You're Out There, A Sermon Celebrating The Ministry of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (2009)

Photo credit: Life, Paul Schutzer. Portrait of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking at 'prayer pilgramage for freedom' at Lincoln Memorial, 1957.

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