People Of Faith Should Stop Giving To Susan G. Komen for the Cure
People Of Faith Support President Obama On Health Care, Contraception

I Love Salem, K-Falls, Medford, Bend, Coos Bay, Portland - All Our Oregon

OregonFlagFaceWhen voters in Oregon's First Congressional district decided to keep the seat in Democratic hands on Tuesday during a special election the vote prompted mid-Willamette Valley talk show host Bill Post to tweet: 

"I HATE Portland and everything about it."

Well, I suppose someone should first tell Mr. Post that the district only includes part of Portland, and also the northern Oregon coast along with communities such as Forest Grove, Hillsboro and Beaverton.

But my real response back to Mr. Post is that I love every part of this state - whether or not they vote for Democrats or Republicans.  The people in Greg Walden's conservative district are just as good and decent as anyone in Salem, where I've worked before, or Portland, where I live.

This is a great state with tremendous natural diversity.  We have mountains, and deserts, farmland, forests, rivers and the great Pacific.  We've produced great Republican leaders like Tom McCall and Mark Hatfield and great Democratic leaders like Les AuCoin and Gretchen Kafoury.

In Oregon, progressive Portlanders like Jefferson Smith can still team up with conservative leaders from Pendleton like Bob Jenson to tackle tough issues.

Some of our rural communities might produce politicans more conservative than my liking - more in line with the Tea Party views of Mr. Post - but in all my travels across Oregon (having spent most my life here) I've found the people to be good and kind regardless of politics.  There is something special to love in every part of Oregon and that is one reason I'm so proud to be an Oregonian...even when elections don't go my way (which happens quite a bit, I'm afraid).   
