Brian Schweitzer's Reprehensible Comments
John Edwards Is a Sinner, Yes. But a Criminal? Via @HuffPostRelig

Vandalism at Mars Halls Church Must Be Condemned @PastorMark @MarsHill

As a critic of Mars Hills Church and their teachings on homosexuality and women, I've been open about my concerns about the decision of this Seattle based mega church to open a Portland location.  I wrote an Open Letter to church leaders in August 2011 expressing my concerns but also welcoming them to Portland and encouraging dialogue.  While they never responded to me directly I was gratified that they did meet with leaders of the Q Center, representatives of Portland's LBGTQ community.

Today's news that vandals - calling themselves "Angry Queers" - broke windows in the church is deeply upsetting. There is no excuse for this act of violence and it must be condemned.  I call on the Portland Police to treat this as a hate crime against all people of faith, regardless of religious tradition or belief.

Portland is a better city than this.  If Mars Hills Church represents the worst of Christianity, and I believe it sadly does, those responsible for this attack represent the worst of Portland.

My prayer tonight is that we learn to all practice tolerance and work towards a better society where the LGBTQ community is fully welcomed, as I believe God calls us to do, without the use of violence.

Rev. Chuck Currie 

